What I used to think~

On 11 of Nov 2009, I used to create a blog and write some descriptions on 'about this blog', to give understanding for the visitors of my page and why I am creating a blog. May be I am not alike other person does, who wrote some posts about their love story, about their lifestyle ...and even nonsense, haha. Ok actually I am creating a blog to stamp all the memories, even it's sour, sweet, bitter or spicy..

Well, I have so much memories as mentioned above in my life go until 18... But I am still so happy...People, places, day and night, how my life goes, are stamped in my blog.

So my visitors, enjoy while visiting my blog...^^
Have a nice day^^

Friday, November 26, 2010


Months, i have leave for months. No one will miss my latest post right? Ya! Definitely! Coz no one will know i really own a blog...Ok, I leave, for doing certain things, small stuffs, big stuffs. I knew that i hav to update my blog, but juz... too lazy for it...N now, i start!

Since last post, it has been months. On July, I meet new frens, took part in some activities, i work in a new environment, i learned some knowledge and so on...

First of all, i would like to voice out on my working exp. In Fracor, on July to August, i worked there and earned RM450 monthly. Quite flexible, coz most of the time, i rarely did things there... juz playing wif my netbook, card games... wif Jac and Vero. Oh ya, Fracor is all bout decoration and designation, so it suits my thought. Oh yeah! De salary earned i had bought a NEW camera!! Ixus105s!!!^..^

Alright, at tis period, i joined an activity called "30 hour Famine". It is organised by Lewis n assisted by Marlene hu well-known among models in Msia n Aus! Tis activity is absolutely fun! We had many times of meetings coz i m part of de committee, n so much fun there although we were tiring dead! We opened booth at Parkson, promoting tis activity, even having meeting in "INFINITY" til 2am!!! Moreover, we learned de 30hour Famine's dance (waka waka), through tis activity, we invited artists from KL, Sabah...
Until de activity started, i felt so proud and happy, that tia activity can be done perfectly even we were lack of time. In Indoor, we starved for 30 hours... BUT i ate Kolok Mee in de midnight secretly.. haha!! Well, wif my bro and Roland Pui.
After de activity ended, we had party in Marlene's bf house. His house is incredibly big! Got big pool, a pool table, bit TV, expensive thingy... bla bla bla... De most exciting period was when we were playing by de pool... n Marlene kept on pulling us into de water! Damn it!! haha>_<
Well, tis is how fun we r having... it is so memorable... n actually i could talk more on tat, but juz some of de feeling n thought hav gone due its past in months...


Saturday, June 5, 2010



我终于能够 UPDATE 我的 BLOG 了^^
Today, i went wif Tracy, Steve, Fui, KeHui, David n ... ...
We ate at Sushi King n we had seen many pretty gals as well^^

After tat, we went for walk at Tanjung...
N we all hav so much fun...
We took photos, we played sand n water... n we were so happy...
Steve n David r gonna back to Sibu tonight, so i hav a bit depressed....

Well anyway, go luck to u all n all de best... bye n see ya^^

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

22 May 2010 惋惜之后




[怎么样呀?有告白吗?] 姐呵呵笑道。
[告什么白啦?!等一下吼,她不走怎么办呀?] 我笑,但还残留着那股沉重。

Mariah Carey~Bye Bye
。。。 。。。
The hardest thing to do is say bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, bye bye。。。

[。。。。。。]我看着窗外的风景,一幕又一幕地闪过,而窗外的天空,依然的蓝依然的宽阔占据了一架AIR ASIA的存在。

So much things flashed back. Our happy memories, happy moment. Especially your smile, seems like you're not going back, but you will back, and i knew that! But... i just cant... that feeling is so...

Good luck, Michelle...
I will pray for your fortune. =)

Saturday, May 22, 2010


现在是下午10.37, 距离刚才的伤心沉重的事情有6个句钟了。。。

[总有一天我一定要出一本小说!!多亏谢九把刀的书 ] 我充满信心地说。
[噢也,我也喜欢他的书也!] 她兴奋地说。
[哦哦,打喷嚏, 那些年,我们一起追的女孩是我最爱的了!!] 我表示同意并点个头。
[刚好,我也看了那些书了耶!] 她表示得很有同感。
[哈哈,有一天我也要写属于大家青春时候的书^^]  我坚持地说。
[好啊,我就等着,我也要成为你的第一个读者哦。] 她笑着说,我知道。。。
[哈哈,那一定的了!!现在的我可是充满着信心地说!!] 被她这样说,我的坚持更加地被肯定。
[哈哈,那好啊!!那我要等多久呀?。。。  。。。还有,要。。。跟我说再见吗?] 她。。。好像很期待着。
[!!!] 我被她那句话吓着无法发出声音!!顿时觉得很惊讶。。。
[4.10pm 的航班。]

[为什么? 几时会回来?] 我表示着不赞同她的决定,至于几时会回来,才是再能再次轻轻地抚摸她的头的问题。。。
[在那读书啦!九月会回来的啦 ^^]
[当个老师吗?你单独去吗?] 我开始当心她的安危,毕竟她是我最关心的人,毕竟她对哪根本人不熟,地不熟,毕竟每个人需要有个重要的人身边伴陪,还有,毕竟是她距继让我爱她,的人。
[不了,我会在Tarc 读 quantity survey,如果中了maktab,就会直接去。对了,我是单独的。。。]
[Quantity survey?!!单独啊?!很危险的耶!]


[哈咯,知道我是谁吗?] 我问得很废。
[呃。。。国扬吗?] 她答道。
[哈哈,对啦^^ ] 我装得很轻松。
[为什么那么突然?] 我着急地问。
[你自己决定的吗?还是你父母决定的啊?] 希望这个决定不是她决定的。
[那你对这科有兴趣吗?] 希望她不是很有兴趣。
[有哇。] 她在微笑,我能感觉到。
[那你在哪怎么办呀?曾经去过那吗?有亲人在哪吗?] 我开始问东问西了,但我不管了。


[。。。对呀, 舍不得耶。] 我的心很沉重。
[。。。   。。。]
[你男朋友呢?有在哪吗?] 我终于说出这如此自我伤害的话了,不过好希望他能在哪守护着她。
[没关系的啦,我会好好的^^] 我知道她不想让我担心。
[。。。   。。。] 我还停留在我刚刚所说的话的气氛里。
[记得三餐都要吃哦!运动也要常做哦!] 干!我开始语无伦次了。
[那你住哪里啊?] 我很担心。。。
[可能住我表姐朋友那里吧。也有可能和伟涵一起住在公寓里。。。] 干!我开始更为她担心耶,可恶!!
[你要小心哦!!] 我很沉,好像我们之间的对话要接近尾声了。
[那你住在哪一带呀?接近哪里?] 我转移话题,不想把场面变得那么尴尬。
[Petaling Jaya。]
[可以去云顶玩耶!嘻嘻] 搞屁呀!要她迷路哦!我开始乱乱说话了。
[。。。   。。。]
[需要我送你吗?] 现在我还是那么爱面子,明知道她一定会说出什么样的答案了,干!白痴噢!
[不必了,不必弄到那么麻烦啦!] 我不知道,她,希望我来送她吗。。。
[当然啦,你怎么好意思麻烦到我嘛。] 我知道她是这么一种人,不喜欢打扰他人。
[那你现在在路上吗?] 我超想送她的。
[半路失踪吗?嘻嘻]  她笑着。而我呢,被她的笑声,弯了下嘴角。
[没有啦!我哪有那么坏啦!] 我低下头,很沉,如一亿斤的石头压在我心口上。
[。。。   。。。]
[。。。好了啦,无聊时可以拨电给我,好吗?] 我要被她肯定,就算我在她心中也占有小小的地位。
[好啦!] 我好开心。
[别忘了我咯!] 心里一边想着还有什么话可以说。
[好了啦,就酱子。] 真的很舍不得。没办法,我的紧张使我的脑袋无发在思考。
[。。。   。。。] 停顿了好一阵子,真的很不想说再见。
我的心情忐忑不安,真想见她一面。平时不珍惜,离开了才来惋惜。。。 我真的是个傻子。。。

[喂!你几点回来呀?] 我拨给我姐。
[OKOK,on de way!]


我跑上电梯, 深深希望一跑上去,你就在眼前,

[你看出来好吗 ?] 好小,我看不清楚你的表情,不晓得你看到我时,那惊讶的表情,时有多开心的。。。就如你看不到我那幸福的表情。


[嘿!] 他挥挥手。
[你可以过来一下吗?] 我深深希望着。
[好像是不能耶。] 把头转回去。
[真的不能吗?] 我很伤感。
[。。。   。。。]
[好吧!要常打电话给我咯。] 我不勉强。
[一路顺风哦!] 我舍不得。
[掰掰] 多希望話題不斷永不打烊。
[掰掰] ^^

你的臉沒有化妝我卻瘋狂愛上    思念跟影子在顿时一起被拉長;
薄荷色草地芬芳像風沒有形狀    我卻能夠牢記你的氣質跟臉龐。




Status update 2~

Hihi, its hav been a while i din drop anythings here oredi..haha^^

well, 2 status hav not update yet, i m gonna write de third one... stupid line...
Recently, i worked, in Fracor... So bored there, but there are so much things nid to learn so that i can independant there when i m alone...
I read there, played cards there, jalan jalan, memorized de price, n draw... tat's it my life in Fracor...
Mon to Fri, 1pm to 10pm.... well, tat's all =.=

Hahaha, a few days ago, i drank Carlsberg and i felt totally confident while i m on the stage, cool... but i felt dizzy after that, juz 2 gulps and i felt like tat.. haiz...
Well, tat's a good new for me too coz alcohol is bad for health^.^

Oh ya, i used to know Kokoberry's gals so well oredi... oh yes, haha, teehee...LOL~

Okay lah, tat's all for me today... n still await for my wireless modem n mini labtop>.<

Written on 15 May 2010, juz write n not yet post...
Have a great day^.^


On 16 April of 2010, morning... In business communication class, Leslie din come because of certain reason, so Peter take over his time...
Well, he asked us to do a short brief presentation, i m damned nervous tat time... but no choice.. i nid to do it..
Do u know wat hav i did? I felt so shame n regret... My hand was shaking when i m holding a paper, i read de words on my paper totally followed, my tone tat coming from my mouth was up n down...
HAIZ... so sad n disappointed, its difference than the first presentation, i don know why..

Eveone has done it so well with no sense of nervousity... i guessed i m de worst one!!
WHY? wjile i m bathing after i m back from IBS, i tried to think back wat i hav said tat time, wat hav i did tat time, well, i did it badly...
REASON 1: I don really get wat tat topic( Volcanism of Iceland ) is about.
REASON 2: I m not prepared.
REASON 3: I don hav much experience.

I m moody now, i wanted to be de best one, but its so hard...
Hopefully i get de courage wat i wan...

Status update 1~

Halo eveone^^ I m back...

N now i m gonna update my status in blog, so... erm... its hav been a long ways since de previous blogger status...

Well, recently i hav been a while in IBS, truly, de teachers r so so boring, but sometimes i get somethings useful from them la... actually most of de times they r talking nonsense, even though i din attend their class, i gurantee i can get high performance too^^
For example, Malaysian Studies teacher only knows to play joke in de class, make de class is full of laughter, but she hav make it... n i don think its funny, so i din laugh :p U can say i m too serious... yes i m coz my future is carry weight more than evethings... Bsides, she WILL used up first half an hour b4 she started her lesson too>.<
Oh ya, Entensive teacher is so great, she is Singaporean n she is a proffesional, no lie^^ Her name is Madam George XD

By de way, i hav successful known a few gals in Kokoberry, they r damn cute n pretty XD... N i m so proud of myself tat i get used to know them now... Evetime when i visited Kokoberry, i talked to them, so some teenage boy customers... i mean i could see de jealosy in their eyes.. haha XD
First of all, i fall in luv in her( one of them ), i mean de cute one... haha... but i realized tat i hav no ability to feed her..haiz.. sad sad...

Furthermore, i m looking a job too... coz recently i m running out of cash... besides, there r some improvement in pool too ^_^

Here goes for me, work it out, Looleo^^
N see ya :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

One more day to IBS, one more day to dissapointed...

One more day, 2moro there will be a orientation for de newbies in IBS...

Wat do i feel? come on, hav a guess...
Well, i fell dissapointed n depressed... not happy at all... unlike other ppl does, most of them n omos everyone, r so happy n there will be a smile on their face like a morning sunshine... haiz...

Times fly, no one can stop it... so de happy moments owas pass through us in a blink of an eyes...
Many things hav gone through in my life, especially when i m 18, sadness r more than happyness... come one man, cheers~ tis has owas be said by my frens.. for me... Maybe i m wrong, i make problems in my life... o maybe i m right, tis is my destiny... no ideas n solutions to change it...

Okay, hopefully all de problems can be solved... hav a great day to u all, n me as well... good day^^

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Terrence... CH Concert 2010... frenship...

Yesterday n yesterday, it was Sunday, mom, sis n me went for CH concert 2010 at public library...n i mean in third floor.. Many pretty i saw there... so, gals n performances were wat i m waiting for in tis concert...
N de performance r suck!! well, there was one, so great... N terrence's performance was bravo!!
Through his performance, i could see de vision of him, erm... i mean we'r owas be fooling around, playing 2gather... in de pass...
Terrence, u hav done well...

Here is some conversation between me, him , Jai Seng...first, here is my status..

~Man, u r rock tonight...
i juz cant believe it u can did it so well, hard to blif tat u,ever be my classmate, ever been fooling me around, can be so GREAT... soon u r leaving, n i felt reluctant when we'r talking 2night... wish u all de best!!!

Jai Seng: T.T... lol ah Loo u express till so touching...
LooLeo Wee: LOL really?? actually i m so sad do not spend so much time wif u all guys... then till u all r leaving soon...
Jai Seng: i can feel ur depressant..
LooLeo Wee: i can feel urs too T.T
Jai Seng: hmm... Terrence profile pic are too nice! so much meaningful..
Terrence Ling: oh no.. looleo!!!!!! i cant imagine you will say this.. the person who fooling me around crazily will say out those things.. thanks man!!! i do love this status.. =)
LooLeo Wee: hahaz... it shows my feeling out clear... don 4get us when u get famous><
Terrence Ling: wont be famous.. hahaha..
LooLeo Wee: lol, don like tat... i hav faith in u^^
Terrence Ling: hahaha.. 31st will leave to kk to visit grandparents until 4th.. then 7th will off to kl!!
LooLeo Wee: Be brave, famous guy!! don 4get to return where ur frenz r waiting for u..
Terrence Ling: okay okay T.T
LooLeo Wee: lol, r u really cry??
Terrence Ling: i am a guy k.. wont simply cry.. hahaha..
LooLeo Wee: gotta sleep... Good luck, u can do it.. anything to say for me?
Terrence Ling: erm.. i want tell you.. GO SLEEP LA.. hahaha.. jkjk.. will tell you when i find out =)
LooLeo Wee: ok... hav a nice day..

Now n then, i understand wat's call frenship...

Monday, March 29, 2010

IBS dissapointed me!!!

A few days ago, I n my mom went to IBS for registering my study...

In there, b4 i entered, i saw many students were sitting outside de Ibs college, ermm.. i mean they r sitting on de bench..
After i entered de IBS, we asked n registered bout de registration stuff... n bla bla bla...

Ok, after tat, all done... n we prepared to leave.. but actually i did not wan to..y?
coz they hav not told me bout de timetable, subjects of course, preparation... n many things...
N i don even know wat should i bring, in case of needed, n wat should i do in de first day... bsides, WAT TIME SHOULD I GO??? tis is mean!!!
They told ntg!!! Ok, i stand no much longer, then i asked: Wat time, wat things, wat kind of costume, then they told me...
Wat if i din ask??? OMG, tis is dissapointed me!! well, tis is part 1...

In part2, once i leave n opened de door, i could see some students were holding cigarettes... well, all way in corridor were full of smoke... DAMN SMELLY!!
Tis is not good, esspecially for those newbies hu apply to college.. haiz... really dissapointed..

Wonder how can long can i standed n survive there...
anyway, their services n management r suck!!! If can, i wish i can rather be at Curtin than IBS...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

SPM result n 6C primary skul classmate reunion^^

On 11 March of 2010, SPM result revealed... Well, actually i m not really satisfy for my result, n i get 6A 4B...
Bfore i get my result, i owas dream tat i can get 8A... but de result is not goes along wif my dreams... haiz... anyway, it's over... Thx u teachers n frens for giving so much help while we'r together...

On 12 March of 2010, I hav a gathering wif my primary skul classmates... n we hav been separated for our own way for approximate 6 years... Some ppl hav changed, but some did not...
Ok, de funniest thing is, some of them said i hav grew 'man' XD LOL...
hahaz...First of all, we hav our gathering at Starbuck n supper at a distance in front of SMK Chung Hua...
We take some photos...
Anyway, we'r so happy for reunion... thx, my frens^^

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's gonna be so calm... 2night

2night, it's so calm... mo ppl is talking, no sound is making by engine... It's juz de sound of breezing cold breeze, mixed insectd sound wif many kinds, crocking sound made by frogs by de drain like rthym of melody, n some buzzing sound from mosquitoes, flying by my ears...

Y am i here? Maybe it's something calls 'destiny' brings me here... Well, 'destiny' chose me to be here, by tis time, by tis second, wif no stars... Unlike other night, i could see sparkling all around de ceiling of night...

10.51pm juz, suddenly there is a strong breeze blow on my face, so strong, so hard, so cold... It make me shiver n make trees n grass r waving in de dark tat i could barely see de leaves...
It's kinda spooky, it likes a giant hands, waves left n right... n u could think tat it will strikes on u even in a second or mins...

Well, bsides, de mosquitoes r annoying... If i can see them, i will smash them into mash^^

Everythings i saw 2night, i can touch them, smell them, see them o hear them... but wat r they?
Stars, i know u r stars... but y i m juz knowing u r juz a thing called 'star', n i supposed to be know how u r exist, y u blink...y u r not showing u 2night? Y u r here while i m gone? R u related wif 'destiny'?

Breeze, r u trying to wan me to notice u? I get it n i started to luve u, breeze...
U owas kissed on my face... n if u can reveal urself, i would like to be ur fren^^ U r tender n u r owas right there for me but i cant see u...anyway, i m sure u r pretty n soft enough compared wif other galz...
Tonight, one blow n one blow, u calm me... Thz u, breeze...

11.08pm, time to get into de house... Wat a lovely, lonely, n calm night...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lantern Festival~

Yesterday is Lantern Festival, de last day of Chinese New Year 2010...

Time blinked...
I told myself i muz appreciate every second...

Today, at 7 to 11pm... there i n my family enjoy every second b4 CNY end...
I m so happy... We play fire crackers n take some photos to stamp some happy moments even it was only a picture...
Pictures of these owas been my treasure in my heart...

Good night everyone, everyone i luv, i luv u^.^

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy CNY 2010 !!! Happy Valentine 2010 !!!

Yesterday were CNY as well as Valentine day in 2010!!

Basically there is hard to gt de same date among tis festive...
OK, let's talk bout Valentine...
Simple n short, i don hav lover, i don celebrate Valentine day, i don send wishes to those lovers, i don giv flowers o choc, i don watch any romance movies n i don sad as well....

OK now, bout CNY...

On de first day of CNY, i n my family went to  our fren's n relatives's house, at there, we ate dao full...aduh>.< oh ya, my com met problems tat day so i don on9 in de first day...wat a bad day T.T
On de second day, damn quiet, haiz... all i seek for is sound of laughing...but... still quiet T.T
On de third day, i, my bro, n my sis went along wif George n Tracy visited Ita's house...we ate so much there, n it's so nice>.< Bsides, we played monopoly too^^ After tat, we went to George fren's house....
On de fourth day, boring...
On de fifth day, I n my frens had 'tuan bai'... Ppl hu had join were Chim Yun, David, Fui, Ke Hui, Ng Chee, n me...n more>.<
On de sixth day, .........................................
By de way, IBS April is omos start... times fly...
2010 CNY, i can say... u r 'boring' me >.<
2010 Valentine day, u r 'disappointed' me >.<
Hav a nice day n good luck Loo^^

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bye Bye Popular^^

Yesterday n yesterday, i hav stopped working as a retail assistant in chinese department in Popular...
Well, i could say tat i will not be there again ..hahaz...oh, erm, i mean i will not be working there anymore...
Ok i will, if Mr. Boon is not the boss..
I hate him...his face so masam all de time><
Ok tat's it, Bye Bye Popular^^

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well, i put a enormous bet in my life as well as my future...
Wat it's mean, huh?
ok, yesterday, i met my frens in Popular again... so i asked him where is he going to study... for most ppl does, Curtin is de best way to.
Again, I felt depressed n I envy them...haiz...
OK, let's compare IBS n Curtin...
Curtin cert is far more good looking than IBS, Curtin cert has high rate n in de future, it is well-known tat can get jobs easily...but IBS cert mostly hard...
Even IBS course is cheap a bit..
Last night, actually i m so confident to myself tat most probably my parents might accept my approval.. but hu wonder, they get mad...coz she heard tat her fren's son had gratuated in IBS n has a stable job now, so she asked to go there...
Wat can i do? I can only put a bet in IBS n in my future, tat last de entire of my life...
But anyway, thx mom n dad, tat u all hav giv me this opportunity to continue my study...
Hopefully i can gt a nice job in de future, n u all know me tat i will become a millionaire, tat's for sure, n tat's y i wan Curtin which has high rate of getting nicer job...
Everytime i think of it, i felt tat i m far more loser than all of my frens hu study in Curtin...
All i can do is work hard, n i believed tat result is de most important than anything...
I CANT LOSE!! Even this bet is considered as high risk...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thanz fren^^

Yesterday, Jason, Ma Jun, Claudin, Frederick, n William visited me in Popular.
We talked n lol'ed each other, truly, i m so happy^^
Besides, Jason oso asked me to go to TAR which was located in KL. I wished to study there but i definately hav many problems. Of course, i m so sad n envy them...
I m so happy n i don even care Mr.Boon passed by, all i cared is frens...
Later, i went to hav my dinner at food court. They accompanied me.
N we talked like best friend, i think tat time is de most wonderful day tat day...
Jason told bout their trip to KL, KK... n wat hav they did... wat kind of intresting activities they hav...
I saw my frens can be so happy, i m happy too...
Thanz u my fren for accompany me, wish all de best from me... to u, in de future^^

Friday, January 15, 2010


Okay, everythings^^

Everythings went either good o bad...
Many days of working, so de same...tiring, boring... but sometime i read comic there...well.... i read it ....alone..haiz...
So still, while i m working, everyday i will visit her in Kokoberry... sometime she dono i m watching her...n it doesn't mean i m a 'bian tai' XD... When i saw her laughed wif her fren, then i will not disturb her... but when i saw her alone there, i will drop by n talked to her^^ Well, we talked like fren...><
Tis morning my mom gt sicked... so i thought tat i cant leave her alone in Miri... actually i decided to travel for further study... look like it muz change^^
Bout my study, Curtin, IBS, architecture, o being a teacher.... they make me headache...
Then i decide to choose IBS...y? Coz my mom nid me... n i can save certain  ammount of money if i wont go oversea... by de way, i m weak as well XD
Althought IBS is not nice, but i hav one thought... tat is althought it is not nice then i nid to work harder to gain best ever result n reading some book which is linked to my course so tat i can hold it in my hand easily...><
And ...erm... frens r leaving one by one...for sure, i m sad... dono when still can i meet them n gather around...haiz...T.T
There is only a way... missed them through pictures...^^
N may be i will cre8 a group in facebook to gather them...haha^^
Yesterday i met Terrence in Popular... we had a promise among each ohter... tat's is we muz invite each other other to de wedding ceremony in future... Frenship last 4ever!!!
OK i can say, good luck everyone... in ur own path^^

Saturday, January 2, 2010

So still, I love u...

Every time I close my eyes
I thank the lord that I've got you
And you've got me too
And every time I think of it
I pinch myself cuz I don't believe it's true
That someone like you loves me too...

Third day of working, still...so tiring n my legs is getting more serious then bfore...
but i cant stop it right now coz i muz succeed...
ok, on my break time, i visited her, she worked in Kokoberry, there was so hot, for me i think tat coz juz right aside there was a muffin baker...
I m so scare tat she sicked...
In de previous blog, i used to write tat i hated her so much... but once i saw her, i smiled... tat's auto reaction...i dono y n wat had happened to me...
May be i fall in love wif her in second time XD
Well, first i loved her, second i hated her n third, i loved her again...
wat should i do? she has boyfriend oredi, n i m afraid tat i will become third person...
I juz cant stop being love her...


On 31 Dis 2009 night, there were many activities organized in several malls...
Lion dance, dancing n singing competition... n so on..
Eveyone was very happy on celebrating their new year came...while i, felt a bit sad tat everythings were go in flash..haiz...
well, i should be happy, New Year Prosperity^^
2day is my second day of working as well^^ still... so tiring...
but no one understand T.T...
All wat can i say is... Happy New Year 2010!!!^^
Wish all my frens, family, n my love oneXD can hav a perfect health, earn more money, flying colour in their education^^

Friday, January 1, 2010

First working experience~

On 30 of Dis 2009, 2009 omos end...but my life is still going on^^
well, today is a unlucky day for me as well... tat i hav been scold Tan( secretory ) coz i read Pokemon comic books once i started work there in half an hour XD
Oh ya, i work in Popular which located in Parkson... n my post is arranging de books in English department...
quite free... but i juz cant to stand right there coz de boss will scold... n i started to hate tat boss..ISH!!!
First day of working, i made new frens.. most of them are Malay n girls ....LOL...dono y... n tat's doesn't mean i look like Malay!!! I work 10 hours a day... Each hour i can earn RM3... quite much^^ minus one hour break time.. then i will work 9 hours a day^^ Tat's RM27 per day...then a month i can earn RM700++( not yet minus off day )
well, once i stepped in popular, i hav a bit regret tat y i should as working in popular... coz my legs started feel painness even there is first day of working... then how i gonna work in de past days...Haiz...
Ok, tat's for me today... New year is coming...
Happy New Year^^