What I used to think~

On 11 of Nov 2009, I used to create a blog and write some descriptions on 'about this blog', to give understanding for the visitors of my page and why I am creating a blog. May be I am not alike other person does, who wrote some posts about their love story, about their lifestyle ...and even nonsense, haha. Ok actually I am creating a blog to stamp all the memories, even it's sour, sweet, bitter or spicy..

Well, I have so much memories as mentioned above in my life go until 18... But I am still so happy...People, places, day and night, how my life goes, are stamped in my blog.

So my visitors, enjoy while visiting my blog...^^
Have a nice day^^

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A video, Choi Sung Bong

Tears're rolling in my eyes.
It will be soooo difficult to get me touched or cried.
Well, this video does.
So, how'ur response then?

Someone in somewhere else is doing something that is... 
amazing, incredible, silently and secretly, not knowing by anyone,
people used to look down on him,
but he is doing so hard to live on, 
he meets with difficult circumstances all the time,
he believes that he will be seeing blue sky if he sacrifices, no matter how much sacrifice he gives.
Perhaps he just like to be normal, like us.
Alright, i would to lend you a hand, seriously.
I will support you, glad to meet you.
Good luck and all the best!  :' )