What I used to think~

On 11 of Nov 2009, I used to create a blog and write some descriptions on 'about this blog', to give understanding for the visitors of my page and why I am creating a blog. May be I am not alike other person does, who wrote some posts about their love story, about their lifestyle ...and even nonsense, haha. Ok actually I am creating a blog to stamp all the memories, even it's sour, sweet, bitter or spicy..

Well, I have so much memories as mentioned above in my life go until 18... But I am still so happy...People, places, day and night, how my life goes, are stamped in my blog.

So my visitors, enjoy while visiting my blog...^^
Have a nice day^^

Saturday, May 22, 2010


现在是下午10.37, 距离刚才的伤心沉重的事情有6个句钟了。。。

[总有一天我一定要出一本小说!!多亏谢九把刀的书 ] 我充满信心地说。
[噢也,我也喜欢他的书也!] 她兴奋地说。
[哦哦,打喷嚏, 那些年,我们一起追的女孩是我最爱的了!!] 我表示同意并点个头。
[刚好,我也看了那些书了耶!] 她表示得很有同感。
[哈哈,有一天我也要写属于大家青春时候的书^^]  我坚持地说。
[好啊,我就等着,我也要成为你的第一个读者哦。] 她笑着说,我知道。。。
[哈哈,那一定的了!!现在的我可是充满着信心地说!!] 被她这样说,我的坚持更加地被肯定。
[哈哈,那好啊!!那我要等多久呀?。。。  。。。还有,要。。。跟我说再见吗?] 她。。。好像很期待着。
[!!!] 我被她那句话吓着无法发出声音!!顿时觉得很惊讶。。。
[4.10pm 的航班。]

[为什么? 几时会回来?] 我表示着不赞同她的决定,至于几时会回来,才是再能再次轻轻地抚摸她的头的问题。。。
[在那读书啦!九月会回来的啦 ^^]
[当个老师吗?你单独去吗?] 我开始当心她的安危,毕竟她是我最关心的人,毕竟她对哪根本人不熟,地不熟,毕竟每个人需要有个重要的人身边伴陪,还有,毕竟是她距继让我爱她,的人。
[不了,我会在Tarc 读 quantity survey,如果中了maktab,就会直接去。对了,我是单独的。。。]
[Quantity survey?!!单独啊?!很危险的耶!]


[哈咯,知道我是谁吗?] 我问得很废。
[呃。。。国扬吗?] 她答道。
[哈哈,对啦^^ ] 我装得很轻松。
[为什么那么突然?] 我着急地问。
[你自己决定的吗?还是你父母决定的啊?] 希望这个决定不是她决定的。
[那你对这科有兴趣吗?] 希望她不是很有兴趣。
[有哇。] 她在微笑,我能感觉到。
[那你在哪怎么办呀?曾经去过那吗?有亲人在哪吗?] 我开始问东问西了,但我不管了。


[。。。对呀, 舍不得耶。] 我的心很沉重。
[。。。   。。。]
[你男朋友呢?有在哪吗?] 我终于说出这如此自我伤害的话了,不过好希望他能在哪守护着她。
[没关系的啦,我会好好的^^] 我知道她不想让我担心。
[。。。   。。。] 我还停留在我刚刚所说的话的气氛里。
[记得三餐都要吃哦!运动也要常做哦!] 干!我开始语无伦次了。
[那你住哪里啊?] 我很担心。。。
[可能住我表姐朋友那里吧。也有可能和伟涵一起住在公寓里。。。] 干!我开始更为她担心耶,可恶!!
[你要小心哦!!] 我很沉,好像我们之间的对话要接近尾声了。
[那你住在哪一带呀?接近哪里?] 我转移话题,不想把场面变得那么尴尬。
[Petaling Jaya。]
[可以去云顶玩耶!嘻嘻] 搞屁呀!要她迷路哦!我开始乱乱说话了。
[。。。   。。。]
[需要我送你吗?] 现在我还是那么爱面子,明知道她一定会说出什么样的答案了,干!白痴噢!
[不必了,不必弄到那么麻烦啦!] 我不知道,她,希望我来送她吗。。。
[当然啦,你怎么好意思麻烦到我嘛。] 我知道她是这么一种人,不喜欢打扰他人。
[那你现在在路上吗?] 我超想送她的。
[半路失踪吗?嘻嘻]  她笑着。而我呢,被她的笑声,弯了下嘴角。
[没有啦!我哪有那么坏啦!] 我低下头,很沉,如一亿斤的石头压在我心口上。
[。。。   。。。]
[。。。好了啦,无聊时可以拨电给我,好吗?] 我要被她肯定,就算我在她心中也占有小小的地位。
[好啦!] 我好开心。
[别忘了我咯!] 心里一边想着还有什么话可以说。
[好了啦,就酱子。] 真的很舍不得。没办法,我的紧张使我的脑袋无发在思考。
[。。。   。。。] 停顿了好一阵子,真的很不想说再见。
我的心情忐忑不安,真想见她一面。平时不珍惜,离开了才来惋惜。。。 我真的是个傻子。。。

[喂!你几点回来呀?] 我拨给我姐。
[OKOK,on de way!]


我跑上电梯, 深深希望一跑上去,你就在眼前,

[你看出来好吗 ?] 好小,我看不清楚你的表情,不晓得你看到我时,那惊讶的表情,时有多开心的。。。就如你看不到我那幸福的表情。


[嘿!] 他挥挥手。
[你可以过来一下吗?] 我深深希望着。
[好像是不能耶。] 把头转回去。
[真的不能吗?] 我很伤感。
[。。。   。。。]
[好吧!要常打电话给我咯。] 我不勉强。
[一路顺风哦!] 我舍不得。
[掰掰] 多希望話題不斷永不打烊。
[掰掰] ^^

你的臉沒有化妝我卻瘋狂愛上    思念跟影子在顿时一起被拉長;
薄荷色草地芬芳像風沒有形狀    我卻能夠牢記你的氣質跟臉龐。




Status update 2~

Hihi, its hav been a while i din drop anythings here oredi..haha^^

well, 2 status hav not update yet, i m gonna write de third one... stupid line...
Recently, i worked, in Fracor... So bored there, but there are so much things nid to learn so that i can independant there when i m alone...
I read there, played cards there, jalan jalan, memorized de price, n draw... tat's it my life in Fracor...
Mon to Fri, 1pm to 10pm.... well, tat's all =.=

Hahaha, a few days ago, i drank Carlsberg and i felt totally confident while i m on the stage, cool... but i felt dizzy after that, juz 2 gulps and i felt like tat.. haiz...
Well, tat's a good new for me too coz alcohol is bad for health^.^

Oh ya, i used to know Kokoberry's gals so well oredi... oh yes, haha, teehee...LOL~

Okay lah, tat's all for me today... n still await for my wireless modem n mini labtop>.<

Written on 15 May 2010, juz write n not yet post...
Have a great day^.^


On 16 April of 2010, morning... In business communication class, Leslie din come because of certain reason, so Peter take over his time...
Well, he asked us to do a short brief presentation, i m damned nervous tat time... but no choice.. i nid to do it..
Do u know wat hav i did? I felt so shame n regret... My hand was shaking when i m holding a paper, i read de words on my paper totally followed, my tone tat coming from my mouth was up n down...
HAIZ... so sad n disappointed, its difference than the first presentation, i don know why..

Eveone has done it so well with no sense of nervousity... i guessed i m de worst one!!
WHY? wjile i m bathing after i m back from IBS, i tried to think back wat i hav said tat time, wat hav i did tat time, well, i did it badly...
REASON 1: I don really get wat tat topic( Volcanism of Iceland ) is about.
REASON 2: I m not prepared.
REASON 3: I don hav much experience.

I m moody now, i wanted to be de best one, but its so hard...
Hopefully i get de courage wat i wan...

Status update 1~

Halo eveone^^ I m back...

N now i m gonna update my status in blog, so... erm... its hav been a long ways since de previous blogger status...

Well, recently i hav been a while in IBS, truly, de teachers r so so boring, but sometimes i get somethings useful from them la... actually most of de times they r talking nonsense, even though i din attend their class, i gurantee i can get high performance too^^
For example, Malaysian Studies teacher only knows to play joke in de class, make de class is full of laughter, but she hav make it... n i don think its funny, so i din laugh :p U can say i m too serious... yes i m coz my future is carry weight more than evethings... Bsides, she WILL used up first half an hour b4 she started her lesson too>.<
Oh ya, Entensive teacher is so great, she is Singaporean n she is a proffesional, no lie^^ Her name is Madam George XD

By de way, i hav successful known a few gals in Kokoberry, they r damn cute n pretty XD... N i m so proud of myself tat i get used to know them now... Evetime when i visited Kokoberry, i talked to them, so some teenage boy customers... i mean i could see de jealosy in their eyes.. haha XD
First of all, i fall in luv in her( one of them ), i mean de cute one... haha... but i realized tat i hav no ability to feed her..haiz.. sad sad...

Furthermore, i m looking a job too... coz recently i m running out of cash... besides, there r some improvement in pool too ^_^

Here goes for me, work it out, Looleo^^
N see ya :)